Permanent Peace
Overview What's the Evidence What's the Theory Other Benefits What's the Technology What's the Source? What's the Plan What Can I do?
Level 1
Level 2:Details
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Volunteer for a peace-creating group

Volunteer for a
Peace-Creating Group

Learn the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs, and then join a group and help create peace for the nation and the world.

To find out how to learn the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs in your local area, please visit or call 1-888-LEARN-TM. Your local contacts will be able to inform you about existing peace-creating groups in your area. More such groups will be forming soon throughout America in conjunction with the construction of 2,400 Peace Palaces in the nation’s largest cities.

At present, Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, is home to the largest peace-creating group in North America. To find out more about becoming a student at Maharishi University of Management visit: